Dec 19, 2002 Marathon, FL

Holiday Greetings to All,

Yes, we are still on the go and I have a fairly good excuse for not writing before this. To catch you up:

We left the boat in Ft Laud in late June and drove to RI. Ken spent about a week, then returned to the boat to spend the summer on boat projects while I enjoyed a lovely New England summer. Actually, he said FL wasn't that bad, with a nice breeze on the New River most of the time.

In early Sept., shortly before I was scheduled to drive a friend's car to FL, I woke up one morning having done some serious trauma to my neck and head, resulting in continuous pain and the inability to turn my head. After x-rays, MRI/MRA, chiropractic, and massage therapy, (all to no avail) I flew back to FT Laud with Ken in early Oct. He had flown up for his mother's funeral. I figured I could mend in a warm climate more easily than in New England. (And I am pleased to say we have been enjoying continuous 80 degrees weather until a couple of days ago when it dropped into the low 70's

- but is on its way up again.)

After arriving in Marathon in mid Nov. and still in great pain, I immediately began physical therapy three times a week. Last week , I had my first bit of relief and can now turn my head without great agony, but am far from being cured. Those of you who know me well, know I can stand anything except pain, discomfort or poverty! So, the last three months have been a real challenge for me, not to mention for Ken- since I have been forbidden to do any work. He even had to peel the potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner. Before this week, I could never have spent this long on a keyboard.

Meanwhile, Ken has been keeping busy on the boat, sanding and varnishing. All our boating friends will enjoy knowing he has replaced the windlass (which gave out just as we arrived in Marathon and three months after the warranty ran out); sent the wind instruments off for repair; had to have the battery charger repaired in Ft Laud because it kept blowing the fuse and replaced in Marathon when it just gave out. Of course , the new one was larger and wouldn't fit in the same spot.... He's also about to replace all four batteries. And even as I write (in the library), he's taking the head apart and cleaning out the hoses!!! So, I am staying away from the boat as much as possible today. I might learn some new vocabulary.

BIG NEWS: After three years of "requesting", he has just finished my Christmas present, a beautiful new cockpit table. Now, when you come to visit we can eat in the cockpit or just have someplace for drinks and snacks.

So, we're here in Marathon at the Sombrero Resort again - thru Feb. and looking forward to lots of company in the next couple of months. Don't worry about it being too much for me, I just won't be able to dance all night - but Ken will!!


Jane and Ken